The value of this giveaway is approximately $62 of chic designer cards, so it's a fabulous prize!
Photo Card Creations is an upscale choice for your birth announcements, birthday or baby shower invitations, family holiday cards, and thank-you notes. They also specialize in wedding invitations, save-the-date cards, and thank-yous, if wedding bells are in your future!
I was so pleased to be offered 15 free custom cards of my own so I could try out the site's functionality, test the turnaround time, and see the quality of the cards.
(I would like to apologize for the poor quality of my two photos of our cards. Our camera broke, and it has seriously been such an imposition on our usual trigger-happy lifestyle. I took the photos of our cards with my camera phone, but I hope to replace them soon with better versions, when our lens gets back from the shop.)

At the time I ordered them, we didn't yet have a new little one on the way (squee), so we thought some sort of holiday card would be a good choice. Anticipating some fabulous Christmas gifts for Mikko (so our family'd better step it up, huh?), we settled on a full-bleed folded design that we could use as a thank-you card.
We thought a colored photo would showcase the printing capabilities more clearly than a black-and-white, and I chose a linen finish to see how texture affected the printing. We put text on the front, inside, and back of the card, for good measure!

Well, here, you can have a mini-collage:

It was like shooting Calvin. Astonishing that we finally got this shot, no?

And, yes, I know his hair was hilariously messy. But after all that, I wasn't going to redo the shoot!
All right, sorry for that little detour. Back to the review!
My experience with the website of PhotoCardCreations.com was overall very positive. I thought finding the category

You often have even more choice than the sample shows, because, as with my card, many designs can be turned either horizontally or vertically, depending on the picture you want to use.

Taking a cue from our previous thank-you card experience, we chose to pre-inscribe a basic thank-you message on the interior so we could fill in the blanks after the presents were opened, and then have Mikko sign and decorate. Ok, mostly decorate.
After you choose your text, layout, envelope, and shipping options, it's time to submit your order, and only then do you email your photographs to be added in to the proof, which is emailed to you separately within several days. It took approximately four business days for my emailed proofs to arrive in my inbox, and the stated turnaround time is 1-3 business days.
I'm much more used to being able to see an immediate onscreen proof, where I upload my photos manually and can adjust text and layout and cropping as I see fit before submitting the order. Then again, Sam and I have a graphic design background and are comfortable with that. The advantage to Photo Card Creation's hands-on system is that a graphic designer literally designs the card for you, so if you're not handy with uploading photos and arranging text, that can be a big benefit. For instance, the graphic designer will ensure your photos are at a high enough resolution to actually print properly, not just look good on a screen. They can also work with you to customize pretty much everything about the card, and keep mailing you proofs until you're satisfied. Even though it was a little nerve-wracking for me not to be able to lay it out my way, I can see how this system actually has a higher value for the one-on-one care you're receiving.

Our order shipped six business days from my approval by USPS Priority Mail, so I received it two days after that. All in all, it was a reasonable turnaround time for custom cards. Just be careful to start your holiday, invitation, or announcement planning with enough wiggle room for

When the cards arrived, I was very happy with them. As I mentioned, the pictures I have of my cards are from my cell phone, but let me assure you the colors are bright and saturated and crisp. We chose the white linen finish, which gives it a lovely textured feel that, I think, makes it feel more custom and special than a card you could print yourself at home. The quality of the folding and edges is top-notch. The envelopes are included and work great.
Now I just have to wait till Christmas! My family is going to love seeing Mikko's happy face popping out at them.

Prices start at $1.75 a card, so it is an investment, but it can be worth it for those special occasions. You can save more if you order in quantities over 100. You can fully customize any of the pre-made designs with your own photos and text and, for some cards, color scheme, or you can design your own card from scratch or work one-on-one with a graphic designer to create the perfect card for you!
Photo Card Creations carries Birth Announcements, Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Graduation Cards, Birthday Party Invitations, Bar & Bat Mitzvah Invitations, Thank You Cards, and Holiday Cards.
Before you order, feel free to request sample cards to get a feel for the quality, printing, and style.
For your own chance to win 25 photo cards (an approximate $62 value) from Photo Card Creations, enter in the comments below! Contest is open to U.S. only.MAIN ENTRY: Visit Photo Card Creations and tell me what design you love!
Leave an email address in at least one of your comments if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win. (You can write it like this to foil spambots: mail (at) hobomama (dot) com or similar.)
BONUS ENTRIES, to increase your chance of winning (leave a separate comment for each so I can count them all):
- Subscribe to the Photo Card Creations blog.
- Leave a relevant comment on a Photo Card Creations blog post, and tell me what post you commented on.
- Tell me what you would use your cards for: holiday cards, birth announcements, save-the-date cards? Spill!
- Have a look around PhotoCardCreations.com, and tell me something you learned.
- Follow www.HoboMamaReviews.com publicly through Google Friend Connect, or subscribe to the Hobo Mama Reviews RSS feed in a reader or by email.
- Follow www.HoboMama.com through Google Friend Connect, or subscribe to the Hobo Mama RSS feed in a reader or by email.
- Follow Photo Card Creations at @PCC21 on Twitter and leave your Twitter name in the comment.
- Follow @Hobo_Mama on Twitter and leave your Twitter name in the comment.
- Tweet about this giveaway (up to 5 times total, at least 24 hours apart). You can use the retweet button at the top of the post or copy and paste this text: Enter to win 25 custom and designer photo cards from Photo Card Creations @PCC21 and @Hobo_Mama! http://bit.ly/cQ8H5D {10.26, US}
- Like Photo Card Creations on Facebook.
- Like Hobo Mama on Facebook.
- Follow Hobo Mama on Networked Blogs on Facebook.
- Enter another of my current giveaways (1 extra entry per giveaway — check back for more).
- Put my Hobo Mama button on your website or add www.HoboMama.com to your text blogroll for 2 extra entries each. The HTML code is in the sidebar. Leave your site URL in the comment.

- Contest open to United States mailing addresses only.
- Leave each entry as a separate comment so I can count them all.
- For actions like following and subscribing, if you already follow or subscribe, just let me know in your comment.
- For tasks that garner you multiple entries, you can copy and paste the comment with a #1, #2, etc.
- You don't have to do any of the bonus entries, but you do have to complete the first mandatory one.
- I will pick the winner through Random.org after the contest closes and send an email notification. Leave an email address in your comment if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win. If I can't reach a winner or don't hear back within a couple days, I'll draw a new name.
- Any questions, let me know: mail {at} HoboMama.com
Contest closes October 26 at 11:59 p.m. PDT.
Disclosure: Photo Card Creations sent me 15 free cards for review.
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I try to seek out only products I think you would find
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If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
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I love the double happiness design. :)
urchiken at gmail dot com
I would get some cards made that were blank inside and use them as regular stationery.
urchiken at gmail dot com
Love the Making Spirits Bright Flat Ornate Shaped Card for Christmas! These are ABSOLUTELY a step above other card places- thanks for sharing with us!
I subscribe to hobo mama via RSS feed.
I would use my cards for holiday cards I think... or maybe birth announcements??
I follow you on Twitter- @SuddnlyStyAtHme.
My favorite design is the square quad jigsaw folded card. :)
hrfarley at gmail dot com
I would definitely use them for Christmas!
hrfarley at gmail dot com
I like you on Facebook.
I subscribe to your RSS feed.
I also follow you on Twitter. TopHat8855
I like To Be Jolly
Flat Designer Card
I like the winter elegance holiday card
msboatgal at aol.com
I'd use these to mail as family christmas cards
msboatgal at aol.com
I learned they typically ship in 1-3 days
msboatgal at aol.com
like photos on facebook
msboatgal at aol.com
I LIKE THE Square Quad Card "THANK YOU'S" kytah00@yahoo.com
FOLLOWING YOU ON GOOGLE FRIEND AS "kytah00" kytah00@yahoo.com
RSS SUBSCRIBER kytah00@yahoo.com
LIKED PHOTO ON FACEBOOK VIA ANGEL JACKLYN facebook.com/kytah00 kytah00@yahoo.com
LIKED YOUR BLOG ON FACEBOOK VIA ANGEL JACKLYN facebook.com/kytah00 kytah00@yahoo.com
NETWORKED BLOGS FOLLOWER facebook.com/kytah00 kytah00@yahoo.com
I love the Joyful Wishes
Flat or Folded Designer Card! Thanks so much!
babiesgottahaveit at gmail dot com
Following Photo Card Creations on Twitter. @BabiesGottaHavT
babiesgottahaveit at gmail dot com
Following HoboMama on Twitter @BabiesGottaHavT
babiesgottahaveit at gmail dot com
I like the Joyful Wishes folded card. Thanks!
I would use these for Christmas cards.
I follow HoboMama via Google Reader. Thanks!
1/I love the "Square Quad Jigsaw" Design!! How precious! (Baby Announcement)
2/I commented! -http://photocardcreations.typepad.com/my_weblog/2010/08/new-holiday-card-designs-for-2010.html
3/I'd use them for "thank you/Holiday" cards for all of those who have helped Baby Pickel succeed this past year!! :)
4/I'm following you on Google Connect!!
5/I like you on Facebook!
6/Following you on twitter!
Handle: pickelclothing
7/I like Photo Card Creations on Facebook!
Facebook: Pickel Palm Coast
I like the square quad card. Thanks!!
I like the Square Quad Jigsaw Card !
I like Snowy Holiday!
i love the Lovely Day Flat Designer Card
i would probably use them for birth announcements
i learned they offer an option to create my own card from scratch
I like the Square Triple Ornament card.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I would definitely use this to get Holiday cards.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I learned that if you order holiday cards by Oct 31st you can get 10% off.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC
couponboss at gmail dot com
I like the square quad jigsaw folded card!
selinda_mccumbers at yahoo dot com
lillitushahar (at) gmail (dot) com
Entry #1:
I like the modern holiday card here:
Entry #2:
Followed HMR through Google connect.
Entry #3:
Liked you on FB.
This will be our baby's 1st holiday season, and we hope to win to send distant relatives photo cards this year!
I'd love to win the square triple cards!
amberlowmiddleton at gmail dot com
i like the holiday ribbon ornate card
Love the "Joy" cards
I love the Joy To The World Folded Designer Card
I follow on your blog on GFC as bukaeyes
I follow Photo Card Creations on Twitter as bukaeyes
I like Photo Card Creations on Facebook (Betsy Hoff)
I like you on Facebook (Betsy Hoff)
I tweeted this
I love all of the round holiday ornament cards!
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I'm subscribed to the Photo Card Creations blog.
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I commented on this post: http://photocardcreations.typepad.com/my_weblog/2010/08/new-holiday-card-designs-for-2010.html
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I would definitely use the cards for the holidays. I never send cards and this would be a great incentive to start!
I learned that Photo Card Creations has an option for eco-friendly cardstock as a paper choice. How fantastic!
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I follow Hobo Mama Reviews via Google Friend Connect.
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I follow Hobo Mama via Google Friend Connect.
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I follow @pcc21 on Twitter. (@nerdmomma)
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I follow @hobomama on Twitter. (@nerdmomma)
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Nerdmomma/status/27925974976
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I like Photo Card Creations on Facebook. (Lauren Allpress)
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I like Hobo Mama on Facebook. (Lauren Allpress)
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I have the Hobo Mama button on my blog: nerdmomma.blogspot.com
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I have the Hobo Mama button on my blog: nerdmomma.blogspot.com
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I have HoboMama.com in my blogroll: nerdmomma.blogspot.com
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I have HoboMama.com in my blogroll: nerdmomma.blogspot.com
lauren.allpress at gmail.com
I love the square quad jigsaw cards! what a great gift!
I LOVE the Tree Trimmings card!
following you on twitter
following them on twitter
your newest fan on facebook
Dee twofakind
their newest facebook fan
just followed you on networked blogs!
I'd use the making spirits bright for my Christmas cards!
laurasu82 at yahoo.com
I follow your blog and I like this design
I follow you on Twitter and I like this design
I really like the Cheerful
Folded Designer Card
seraphou at aol dot com
I like the "splendid flowers" thank you card design the best.
writeme at heidimail dot com
I would use the cards to thank people for the wonderful housewarming presents my husband and I recently received.
writeme at heidimail dot com
I like the Noel holiday card
msboatgal at aol.com
I'd use these as christmas cards
msboatgal at aol.com
I learned they ship in 1-3 days
msboatgal at aol.com
like photo on fb
msboatgal at aol.com
like hobo on fb
msboatgal at aol.com
I would use it for Christmas Cards
Visited the site, beautiful cards! I liked the Christmas card designs "Snowflake" and "Linen Cardstock" and Square Triple Ornament"!
I would definitely use these cards for Christmas! Lovely cards! creedamy at yahoo dot com
love the jigsaw design :)
pulchrabliss at hotmail dot com
i would use them as holiday cards.. lots of people would love seeing our family's faces during the holidays! :)
pulchrabliss at hotmail dot com
hobo mama followed via google reader
pulchrabliss at hotmail dot com
i like the joy to the world scalloped cards
lizi serrano /mustang203@msn.com
signed up for their blog
lizi serrano / mustang203@msn.com
I would use the cards for my christmas cards I personalize them every year!
lizi serrano / mustang203@msn.com
I learned they ship within 1 -3 days lizi serrano / mustang203@msn.com
like u on gfc andrew duffell lizi serrano / mustang203@msn.com
signed up for ur emails lizi serrano / mustang203@msn.com
i like u on facebook lizi serrano / mustang203@msn.com
like u on network blogs lizi serrano / mustang203@msn.com
retweeted off ur post http/twitter.com/mustang203
lizi serrano / mustang203@msn.com
Awesome giveaway! Christmas is on my mind, so I love the "To Be Jolly" card design here: http://www.photocardcreations.com/cards/christmas-cards/To-Be-Jolly/643.html
Fingers crossed, would love to win!
Totally forgot to leave my email from my comment 10/26 @ 1:28pm
sarahw at pmamediagroup dot com
I like the Winter Classic Ornate card. dramaqueensmum at gmail dot com
I follow Photo card creations on Twitter. (dramaqueensmum)
I follow you on Twitter. (dramaqueensmum)
Tweeted. http://twitter.com/#!/dramaqueensmum/status/28849479573
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