Don't you love imaginative people?
When Steve Ouch contacted me to review his new children's book, SteamPotVille, I had a look at his website with some samples of his work and knew I had to see the full book.

Steve Ouch creates unique photographic collages where elements are meshed together in an enchanting, higgledy-piggledy way. A peacock might be wearing a tie, a goose riding a unicycle with a puppy, and a camel balancing on top of a cow. You never know what to expect with Steve Ouch!

SteamPotVille is a fun read, and the printing is very high quality. The book is hardcover with a nice dust jacket and full-color spreads. I even love the endcaps, which remind me of one of those Magic Eye posters. The images are crisp, and the colors pop. The visuals are really what makes the book, so it's great that the publisher spent so much effort on getting it right. Despite that, the list price is only $15.95 (on sale right now at Amazon for $10.85!
And I won't lie — the fact that he has a Lite Brite
The story of SteamPotVille is that a topsy-turvy town becomes even topsy-turvier overnight in a child's dreams. Cows stop saying moo and start meowing, penguins wear scuba diver helmets, and bees dig underground. In other words, surreal just got surrealer. My favorite little image is the squirrel holding up a bank, but that's just me. I also enjoyed finding the frog who did not in fact scat.
In case any of your little readerlings are scared, the book ends with a reminder that you're just dreaming, and you can imagine things however you want.

I told Steve Ouch I was looking forward to seeing what Mikko, 2.75 years old, thought of the montage artwork style, where everything's jumbled and upside down and mixed up. Mikko has specific ideas of what is "right" or not, and I wanted to see how emotionally he reacted. So, how did he react? He laughed. He thought it was pretty silly that the goose had wheels and the cat was wearing a frog hat. I think he was a little worried for the safety of the horse that the lion was riding and that the hippopotamus balancing on one measly log might fall down (like Humpy Dumpy), but other than that, he did fine!
I recommend this book to kids or adults who want something new in a children's book. The photography style is stunning. I've heard comparisons to Monty Python,

There isn't much of a plot, but that's not a big deal in a visual children's book. I was a little thrown off by the rhymed text not fitting a standard meter (Dr. Seuss makes children's rhymes look deceptively easy when they're really, really not), but Steve Ouch parlays that into a benefit by making it an educational discussion for older readers. The good news is, it's easy enough when reading aloud to force the meter to work out and read in a pleasing way — and aren't children's picture books designed to be read aloud, anyway?
There aren't many people in the book, mostly animals. It makes a little nervous, then, to see a wise Indian who says "Hau," though at least it's spelled right. I wonder if that was put in for the rhyme. I do appreciate that the child is half-hidden under a blanket and so can stand in for either a boy or a girl. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it's a great touch!
This book is a lot of fun, and the author — oh, I'm sorry, discoverer of the story — has a bright future ahead of him as a children's illustrator. I especially love the little tea-specific touches to SteamPotVille and wonder if an upcoming volume will explore the neighboring town of Espresso Estates. (I get royalties if he uses that. Right?)
Steve Ouch lives in Seattle, too, which never hurts. Woot for a hometown hero!
Another favorite part of the book for me is the closing page, where he shows a portrait gallery of many of the animals seen throughout the pages and invites you to find them in the book. "Name the resident and the sound it makes," he says. "If you don't know, make it up!"
Did I mention I love imaginative people? I really love them when they inspire imagination in others!


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- Tell me which animal(s) in the illustrations reprinted above you like best! (You can see them bigger at
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- Contest open to U.S., Canada, & England, because Steve Ouch and Running Press rock hard.
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- I will pick the winner through after the contest closes and send an email notification. Leave an email address in your comment if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win. If I can't reach a winner or don't hear back within a couple days, I'll draw a new name.
- Any questions, let me know: mail {at}
Contest closes June 17 at 11:59 p.m. PDT.
Disclosure: I received a free copy of SteamPotVille
for my review but no other compensation.
Amazon links are affiliate, because I need to pay the bills, yo.
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relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
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for my review but no other compensation.
Amazon links are affiliate, because I need to pay the bills, yo.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
That's how I roll. See my full disclosure policy here.
I learned that he was born and raised in Montana and is new to writing children's books.
I learned that in his book: "Cows say meow and cats say moo on a hysterical adventure that will make parents and kids laugh out loud." What fun! My little one would love a copy.
I love that the book has many uses as a teaching tool!
I like the first illustration. HOW is that hippo doing that!?!?! LOL
My 5 year old daughter Fiona would be the one that would be interested in the book right now, not to mention myself! I have 2 younger daughters that will love it when they get older!
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Erin Boxell Hull
I like Steve Ouch on FB!
Erin Boxell Hull
I learned that Steve Ouch is infactuated by the letter Q.
I like what I initially thought was a hippo, but may be a dog!
If I won, I would enjoy this book. But more importantly, I think my son would enjoy it when he's older (he's only three months atm!).
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I'm now subscribing to via RSS feed (bloglines).
I made a request to follow you on twitter @alicecann
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i learned that this guy is pretty funny! his website is really cool :)
tamipearson at gmail dot com
i love the sheep!
tamipearson at gmail dot com
this would definitely be for my daughter, but i know my hubby would love it also!
tamipearson at gmail dot com
I like the vibrant pictures; my son would love staring at this I know it!
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
The monkey is my favorite. We call my son monkey all the time because he loves to climb!
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
My son would enjoy this book, he loves reading and looking at pictures.
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I follow Steve Ouch on Twitter - @michrick8185
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter - @michrick8185
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rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
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rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
The link you provided for Networked Blogs doesn't work, but I found it by searching. I follow!
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
You don't have any other active giveaways to enter, or I would love to do so!
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
You have such cool contests on your site. keep up the great site, great work, cool contests. For FREE CANADIAN CONTESTS
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
My daily tweet! (Is there an echo in here?)
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I like all the colorful pictures!
I like the Monkey!
If I would win I would give this to my 3-year-old son. I think he would really enjoy this!
I love that they include ACTIVITIES for you to do with the book!
2.The Hippo is my favorite animal
3. Like Steve Ouch on FB
4. Like Hobo Mama on FB
I liked you on Facebook.
carrie.russo (at) gmail (dot) com
I am now following you via RSS feed. :)
carrie.russo (at) gmail (dot) com
I now like Steve Ouch on Facebook.
carrie.russo (at) gmail (dot) com
I have three children and although they would like this book I think I would love it the most. I think this is really important though because I tend to involve myself in reading to them and looking at books when I actually like them myself. I think it is hard to find a truly original and intriguing children's book and I am excited to have the opportunity to win this one.
carrie.russo (at) gmail (dot) com
I created a post on Hobo Mama's Facebook page thanking you for the review and linked to this page.
carrie.russo (at) gmail (dot) com
I shared this post on my facebook wall. Carrie Russo. I'm not exactly sure how I am suppose to tell you how I shared it though??
I learned that he loves the letter Q - interesting choice of favourite!
melacan at hotmail dot com
Love that sheep!
melacan at hotmial dot com
My son would love this book.
melacan at hotmail dot com
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
Steve has a fun many fun pictures. I loved Heemo kills beelzebub and of course his friend Mac's self portrait.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I love the flying hippo
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I learned that the author has worked for Ford and Intel
mearley1979 (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the cow in the picture.
mearley1979 (at) gmail (dot) com
If I won, my daughter would love this book.
mearley1979 (at) gmail (dot) com
I subscribe in Google Reader.
mearley1979 (at) gmail (dot) com
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I learned His accomplishments as a media innovator and online digital strategist has awarded him prestigious work with companies like Ford Motor Company and Intel.
kristen_yeh (at) yahoo (dot) com
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
The colors are great for little kids!
toleahjoy "at" hotmail "dot" com
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I love the activities suggestions and the fact that the book is well-used in the classroom!
We posted about your giveaway at Winning Readings.
This book looks awesome! I love the illustrations! Thank you for the contest!!
inthehammockblog (at) gmail (dot) com
If I win this book, I am going to be the one reading it! I really enjoy children's books and illustrations :)
inthehammockblog (at) gmail (dot) com
Following hobo mama through google friend connect
inthehammockblog (at) gmail (dot) com
following steve ouch on twitter (in_the_hammock)
inthehammockblog (at) gmail (dot) com
following hobo mama on twitter (in_the_hammock)
inthehammockblog (at) gmail (dot) com
thank you!
my favorite animal is the sheep jumping over the fence :)
inthehammockblog (at) gmail (dot) com
He says:
I’m nervous about SteamPotVille. I know it’s a great book, but I am a first time author and everything that is happening is new to me. I have no way of knowing how well book sales are progressing or if Amazon ranking means anything. For now surprises like this make me feel successful and that’s good because it was a lazy Saturday.
I like the gorilla hanging there!
I absolutely LOVE the bright colors!
The flamingo are my favorite, I love flamingos!
gingerbirdgirl @
The entire family would love this book. My 3yo likes seek-and-find books and I think this would be a great tool for observation skills for my 7yo too!
gingerbirdgirl @
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I entered the contest for the Smart Mom teething jewelry.
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I learned that he blended his childhood experiences, photographs and digital images to the creatcrate the whimsical world of SteamPotVille!
kowandamcbride at yahoo dot com
I like the hippo the best.
kowandamcbride at yahoo dot com
My son would enjoy this book. So, would I.
kowandamcbride at yahoo dot com
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he was born in montana cute website thanks for the chance to win
I would give it to my son jack thanks for the chance
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