Saturday, January 2, 2010

Giveaway: Mama Cloth Event cloth menstrual pads giveaways @ The Cloth Diaper Report (1.2-1.10)

The Cloth Diaper Report is giving away a variety of cloth menstrual pads from various companies in a Mama Cloth Event!

I have been so wanting to try cloth menstrual pads. I used cloth diapers for my son and loved how soft and hygienic they were. We had to use disposables when traveling, and I came across the last of the box in the closet the other day and was overwhelmed by how smelly they are (clean, unused!). Bleh. I rock a reusable Diva Cup, so why am I still using disposable liners and pads?

Why indeed?

Well, here's my chance (and your chance!) to win an assortment of mama pads. Since The Cloth Diaper Report is giving away so many in a row, I'll list them all separately here:

She has put up detailed reviews of each pad so you can get a sense of the construction and the pros and cons and whether it will work for you. If you're wanting to give cloth mama pads a try — or even if it had never crossed your mind but now sounds intriguing! — head on over and win!

Enter fast at The Cloth Diaper Report by Jan. 2 through Jan. 10.

P.S. Can you believe it's January 2010??