You can get FREE Bamboobies nursing pads all week in honor of WBW. You must pay only the shipping of $4.95 to thew U.S. or Canada.

International customers should email first to get a shipping quote, but they can order as well. This offer is good through August 7.
The regular price of Bamboobies is $8.50 plus s/h, so this is a nice way to try them out!
These breastfeeding pads are reportedly Amy's favorites. They're made of a super-soft bamboo velour and are guaranteed to be more discreet under clothing while remaining ultra-absorbent. I could use both features, for sure!
I much prefer reusable pads over disposables, but I have a heavy letdown and have had problems so far this newborn period with my WAHM-made assortment.
So I switched to my wool pair, and they've been workhorses in sopping up the liquid — but not so much in the streamlined department. I do not need to pad my bras, and unfortunately that's what this amounts to! With all the corresponding lumps and bumps and visible lines.
So, free Bamboobies, here I come. I'll let you know what I think!

In the meantime, a little breastfeeding-related news:
- There's a big Twitter party (#BigBFParty) TONIGHT, August 2, at 10 p.m. Eastern / 7 p.m. Pacific. Bamboobies is one of the many breastfeeding-supportive sponsors. I'll be there as @Hobo_Mama. Tweet you later!
- The Big Latch-On breastfeeding event is trying to break the record for most mamas breastfeeding simultaneously at 10:30 a.m. local time on August 6. Visit the site for the location near you.
- Natural Parents Network is hosting a breastfeeding bloghop linky. We have over 70 wonderful posts linked up already, and the linky will remain active all week. Link up your posts and read some of the many amazing contributions so far! You can also snag the code there to post on your own site for even more link love.
Disclosure: I have no affiliation with Bamboobies
and just wanted to pass along the deal.
I have no affiliation with the events
besides the NPN linky.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
See my full disclosure policy here.
and just wanted to pass along the deal.
I have no affiliation with the events
besides the NPN linky.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
See my full disclosure policy here.
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